First Sphere course
18-20 June 2021
Join us for a relaxed weekend and learn the first four techniques of Ishayas’ Ascension – a powerful consciousness practice that frees you from the limitations of the mind.
This course will be held at a private apartment in Wellington city. You will be sent the details upon registration. The course fee is $395 including GST, and does not include meals. We will go out to local cafes for lunches.
The course begins at 7pm on Friday evening until about 9.30pm, and from 10am-4pm Saturday and 10am-3pm Sunday.
Arkiri and Gauri promise to make this weekend memorable and fun and at the end of the course you will have all you need to establish your own Ishayas’ Ascension practice.
Don’t miss this chance to find a taste of real peace.
Payments: The course fees include GST, and are due on registration. Please contact us if you need to pay by instalments. We will send payment details after you complete your registration. Please see our refunds policy at
Privacy: We gather and store personal information in the form below, solely in order to complete your registration and provide you with the best retreat experience possible. Please see our privacy policy at